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Cold runner block
Cold runner block
1.Function: The rubber material is controlled at constant temperature within the system. First in, first out (FIFO). This prevents the scorching and wastage of rubber material. A machine that helps you save millions in rubber material cost, reducing curing time and increasing the capacity.
a.Common-Use System – Runner Gate distance is same. It can be fitted to any mold of the same gate distance.
b.Special-Purpose System – Used for large items and special items. Fitted to molds of different gate distance.
c.Double Layer Injection System – Used for large quantity items that are easy to demold.
3.Gate: Various kinds – fixed, equal distance, unequal distance, etc.
a.One gate can be distributed into 1, 2 or 4 cavities.
b.Gate has thermostat system; rubber material does not scorch.
c.Material flow can be varied as desired.
4.Temperature control: The system temperature is controlled by the mold temperature controller.
a.Runner block and gate temperature is controlled at 80°C. Temperature can be adjusted depending on the properties of the compounds.
b.The heating system at the base of the CRB heats the top mold.
5.Mold fitting: Fixed guide pins and mold mounting system make it easier to remove molds.
6.Model: Any model can be fitted with different number of gates.
1000#: size 500 x 480 x 195 (mm)
1500#: size 580 x 500 x 195 (mm)
2000#: size 650 x 600 x 195 (mm)
3000#: size 720 x 700 x 195 (mm)
一. 用途:膠料在系統內恆溫控制,先進先出,不硫化,
二. 特性:共用型系統:GATE等距定型化,可配置等
三. 射嘴(GATE):固定式,等距與不等距數量多樣化。
A: 一個GATE可配置1.2.4.CAV之模穴。
B: GATE內部有恆溫系統,膠料不硫化。
C: 出口流量為可替換型,可任意搭配流量大小。
四. 溫控:系統溫控由機台之模溫機提供。
五. 模具配置:備有固定式導梢及架模系統,便於拆卸
六. 型式:任何型式皆可配置不等數量之GATE
1000#:材積 500x480x195(mm)
1500#:材積 580x500x195(mm)
2000#:材積 650x600x195(mm)
3000#:材積 720x700x195(mm)